By The Editorial Board - October 12, 2022

Among the items on Gina Sillitti's to-do list two years ago: the critical need for sewers along Plandome Road in Manhasset. Now, the Port Washington Democrat proudly notes that she has secured $5 million in state funding for that work.
But Sillitti, 44, hasn't stopped there. She is laser-focused on constituent issues, from the impact of COVID-19 to flooding from Hurricane Ida to recent schedule changes on the Long Island Rail Road's Port Washington branch. And she has built key legislative relationships with Democrats and Republicans.
Port Washington Republican Vibhuti N. Jha works on corporate turnaround strategies. Jha, 70, says he is a "problem solver" who is concerned about crime and overcrowding. But he offers few specific solutions.
In her next term, Sillitti should turn her attention to what she calls Long Island's "serious housing problem."